PepFactor for Skin is created by pairing PepFactor’s propriety PepFactor Powder with Hyaluronic Acid to form PepFactor for skin, leaving your skin appearing more youthful.
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the skin. Its hydrating power and anti-aging properties make it an important ingredient of many skincare products. It is a polymer that helps water retention and keeps your skin moisturized for extended periods. One of the most significant functions of Hyaluronic acid in the human body is it tightly holds the water molecules together and loosens movable parts such as muscles and joints. The consistency of the chemical compound and its affinity of tissues make it ideal for use in several skincare products, especially moisturizers and serums. Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic molecule and a wonderful natural moisturizer.
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan (polysaccharides that are an essential part of the connective tissues in the body). It is used for treating different joint ailments such as osteoarthritis.
Sodium Hyaluronate is a Hyaluronic acid salt. The molecular size of Sodium Hyaluronate is much smaller than Hyaluronic acid which helps in the easy penetration of the salt into the skin and adequate retention of water to provide moisturization. Putting it a bit differently, Sodium Hyaluronate is more quickly absorbed than Hyaluronic acid.
It also helps in proper circulation of the blood and absorption of nutrients. Due to its superior hydration power, it is known as one of the most useful natural remedies for smooth, radiant, and moisturized skin. Sodium Hyaluronate is also used as the primary ingredient in Restylane, an injectable dermal filler used to get rid of wrinkles and treat facial volume loss.
Hyaluronic acid was first isolated by Karl Meyer and John Palmer in 1934 from the vitreous part of the cow’s eye. Their initial findings showed that the chemical substance comprised of two sugar molecules and one of them was Uronic acid.
For suitability, the substance was named ‘Hyaluronic acid.’ The name was derived from a Greek word ‘Hyalo’ which means a combination of glass and Uronic acid. At the time of discovery, Meyer and Palmer had no idea what they had found and how beneficial the chemical substance could be for human skin. Since then, Hyaluronic acid is known as one of the most fascinating and beneficial natural macromolecules.
In the medical field, Hyaluronic acid was first used in 1950 during a vitreous replacement eye surgery. The Hyaluronic acid used during the surgery was obtained from an umbilical cord.
The chemical structure of Hyaluronic acid was also finalized in 1950 when Meyer and Palmer isolated it as an acid. However, under physiological influences, the acid behaved like a salt – Sodium Hyaluronate.
Since 1980, Hydroluronic acid is also being produced for commercial purposes by the Microbial Fermentation Method.
As we grow old, our skin loses the ability to retain moisture. This can result is skin dryness, loss of skin firmness, plumpness, eye-bags, and pliability. Hyaluronic acid works wonders for your skin by providing your skin with moisture and making you look younger.
It also revitalizes the outer layer of your skin to give it a soft, smooth, and radiant look. By using skin care products containing Hyaluronic acid you can achieve a skin glow and minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Hyaluronic acid works to stabilize every aspect of your skin, constantly replenish it, and protect it from harmful free radicals. You’ll be surprised to know that 1g of Hyaluronic acid can retain up to 6 liters of water. Don’t worry, too much of water on the skin won’t be a problem.
The hydrating, calming, and soothing properties of Hyaluronic acid make it a great remedy for even eczema or rosacea-prone skin. Whether you skin is dry, sensitive, or oily, you can make the most of Hyaluronic acid containing skin care products to keep your skin nourished.
Application of topical products containing Hyaluronic acid helps in reducing the size of wounds and reduces pain and burning. The anti-bacterial properties of Hyaluronic acid make it useful for dealing with skin infections that can result from wounds. Because of this, Hyaluronic acid is also used for treating ulcers, gum ailments, and speeding up post-surgery cuts and abrasions.
Hyaluronic acid helps a great deal in healing wounds. You’ll be surprised to know that the concentration of Hyaluronic acid naturally increases in your skin during damage or injuries. It reduces skin inflammation, thereby healing wounds much quicker than expected and stimulates the body to provide more blood cells and regulate circulation.
Supplements or skin care products containing Hyaluronic acid can provide your skin with adequate elasticity and suppleness. Since half of the Hyaluronic acid present in your body is found inside your skin, it binds the water molecules and hydrates your skin. Research shows that 120-220 mg of Hyaluronic acid per day for at least a month can improve skin moisture and eliminate dry skin related issues.
Hyaluronic acid is also injected in many dermal fillers that are used to treat skin aging and make your skin look younger.
Hyaluronic acid is like a huge water tank for your skin. It infuses all the layers of skin with water providing moisturization and reducing skin dryness.Hydration and Hyaluronic acid are synonymous.
Hydration and moisturization are two different processes. While hydrators bind water molecules with your skin, moisturizers lock the hydration. Hyaluronic acid is both a hydrator and moisturizer.
Hyaluronic acid strengthens the natural lipid barrier of the skin and protects it against harmful environmental chemical and pollutants.The outermost layer of your skin that is subjected to harmful toxins every day gets damaged over time and the lipid barrier that traps the toxins works slower. Increased damage can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, skin dullness, and dryness.
Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and nourishes your skin in a way that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When the skin is adequately hydrated, more rapid cellular production can take place and prevent aging. Hyaluronic acid can also help in treating pigmentation and aging spots.
Who likes a saggy skin tone? With age, the elastin production in your skin decreases and breaks down. While Hyaluronic acid does not replace skin elastin, it tightens the skin and improves your skin tone. It provides firmness to your facial contours and makes your skin appear more youthful.
The oral supplement form of Hyaluronic acid helps in the creation of collagen which plays a critical role in maintaining your skin structure. A reduction in body collagen can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. Hyaluronic acid helps your skin by speeding up the synthesis of collagen as well as moisturizing your skin.
Hyaluronic acid is an important ingredient in a wide range of moisturizers, anti-aging products, anti-wrinkle remedies, and skin tone enhancers. However, it is very effective when used in the topical form. So, the next time you’re struggling with skin dryness or a wound that’s taking a lot of time to heal, use Hyaluronic acid containing skin products and enjoy clear, radiant, and nourished skin.
As Hyaluronic easily penetrates the topmost layer of your skin, it works wonders when applied in the form of a topical cream or skin serum. It easily enters the dermis, produces an air permeable surface, and increases skin elasticity. The protective coating created by the Hyaluronic acid cream curtails the moisture and makes you skin look fresh and nourished.
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